Biodiversity & Improved Aesthetics

Biological diversity (biodiversity) is when the environment within an area has a large variety of species that differ from one another, “or, often, the total variety of life on Earth.” The more “species richness” diverse an area – the more chances of seeing or encountering plants that offer visually pleasing hues—or nutritional benefits. South Florida is in a zone where biodiversity is easier to cultivate because of the humid subtropical/tropic weather. A climate that’s biologically plentiful with the right elements—such as Miami—can sustain a green wall or vertical garden much better.

Our company can install a green wall to help with beautifying your business, which should leave your customers with a tone of tranquility. But the real chance that will allow flora and fauna to thrive are in green roofs, or green walls growing edible plants on the outer portions of a building. It’s not just us with this idea of adding biodiversity into urban settings. In fact prior to 2010, the UK Green Building Council in London envisioned with their plans “otters could return to urban rivers, bats could roost under bridges, swifts could flock to office blocks and peregrine falcons soar above cathedrals.” The outdoor installations we provide may allow for Mitred parakeets, Monarch and other types of butterflies, lady bugs, and dozens more colorful creatures to stop on by.

”Earth’s 25 terrestrial hot spots of biodiversity as identified by British environmental scientist Norman Myers and colleagues, these 25 regions, though small, contain unusually large numbers of plant and animal species, and they also have been subjected to unusually high levels of habitat destruction by human activity.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

The coral reefs off the coast of South Florida are another example of biodiversity, setting itself apart from any other place in the United Sates. This large system of life sustaining wonders took thousands of years to develop. There are hundreds of animals and plants that contribute to the beauty of the reefs. The plants on the green walls we install can be how you want them to be. If you want us to make your walls as vibrant and functional as the coral reefs, especially with the selections we have available, we’ll be glad to make your vision become our mission. Like the Florida Reefs, we are in subtropical weather on land. This means that your green wall can sustain more than just a few kinds of plants. The green wall you have in South Florida may look different than a green wall in a colder portion of the country, since certain plants are only found in warmer climates like the tropical hibiscus.

The Everglades are another section of the U.S. that’s known for biodiversity. It so diverse, there are hunts for pythons that are not native to South Florida but have thrived because the climate suits them. Iguanas are another creature that’s made a home here, and at one point, Monitor Lizards tried making places along the canal systems spots to nest. A living wall can house so many pieces of plant life. One wall can have edible plants, while others can beautify the look of your workspace. It takes different personalities and people from various backgrounds to have a successful team that represents what our world is truly becoming. The biodiversity that comes with green walls only reflects this idea. Making a statement welcoming of others with your living wall can help give guests a sense of belonging.

Help You Look Good

There’s more than just keeping a building cool, providing fresh air or having a wall with possibly tons of hues along the color spectrum planted in certain areas of a company that we can provide. We can make sure that your company’s name is never forgotten by anyone who steps into your office. Living walls can be marketing tools indicating how much you’ve grown as a business, and what you can most likely do for others as your customers. Your installations, both indoor and outdoor, can be done in a way that’ll allow you company’s logo to be planted into the living wall. We can either have a specific color, metallic, or wooden signage sticking out of the greenery with the name of your business as the main highlight of the green wall. Or we can form the grass, moss, or plants to look like your brand’s logo.

Andromeda District, we will gladly plan and then execute any ideas you have in mind. These designs don’t have to be limited to a business. For example, if your family crest has dragons in it, we can put up a green wall that will either look like a dragon made of moss or your family crest appearing to rise out the living wall. This is the kind of décor that let’s neighbors and visitors know who you are, and how far you’ve arrived in life. Property values increase when an area is treated with proper respect. A beautiful area usually draws in more people wanting to live there.

There’s a status that comes with a green wall. Those who have them show how much they care about the future of our world, and tell others that you offer more than what other companies, people or services offer. You are a touch of class that amplifies facets of people’s lives with a standard of excellence which wants what’s best for all who you encounter, in business or personal daily interactions.

Our Process

Our patented and efficient process is a complex, but we have simplified it into two simple steps:

  • First: We go to local farmers and choose the best parts for your specific project. With green walls, your project can start with six inch plants and go into different colored plant types, in order to make your walls unique.
  • Second: Since the flora selected has matured for usage, per every portion, we can install two plants in each container and be finished that same day. In less than a week, you’ll have a sustainable green wall that people who come to your place will marvel at.

Straight to the point with no complications is what we offer. Other may try to drag out the process, hoping to confuse you. But Andromeda District wants to help make your transition from plain to plant friendly in as little time as possible. Life is already a daily set of tasks and decisions. So why not make this something to never worry about, and have peace of mind by taking an initiative that can recognized as an environmentally conscious effort.

After an installation, our job doesn’t stop. We also offer to help you maintain your installations when needed, and can even help with planting traditional gardens to compliment a living wall or green façade. At all points, Andromeda District guides your efforts to make life easier by lending a hand. Going green is a commitment that we’ve made, so it’s only right that your sustainability goals are a priority.