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The Creation of a Thousand Forests is in One Acorn ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Once upon a time, I received a great piece of advice. Never look at the end result of your endeavors because the path to success looks long and ar...

The Benefits of Indoor Plants

I won’t bore you with the hundreds of research projects done in the last ten years that definitively show plants as vitally important to the healt...

Using Biophilia to Design a Better Learning Environment

Biophilia is the innate connection between human and nature. Biophilic design integrates nature and natural elements, materials and forms into ar...

Constructing Biodiverse Natural Spaces in One Day

Building your own sanctuary can be done in just 24 hours. I know, you’re thinking who me? I have a black thumb, not a green thumb.   No worries....

Our Darkest Moment – Our Biggest Opportunity

e.e. Cummings: “I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everyt...

Mental Health

Mental health, most would argue, is as important as physical health as one is dependent upon the other. If you work out every day, have 3% body fa...
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